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business coach gold coast

Are you trying to create great customer experiences?

But you’re here because
You’re putting out fires every day and haven’t had a day off in months.
You’re busy answering customer questions, spending hours on socials and trying to reconcile your accounts.

I help business owners like you to do more of what you love in your business.

You’re great at what you do.

But when it comes to having the ‘business know-how’ and being the boss 24/7, it’s a daunting task.

small business consulting small business consulting
small business consulting small business consulting

But don’t take my word for it

My clients love me because I equip them with the knowledge to make better decisions and empower them to get the work done.

small business consulting

When I met Sophia, I immediately understood that she could be a great asset to my business because she is has a well-rounded knowledge of many subjects. Using her initiative to access information and IT, being confident in communicating, as well as being presentable and professional are just some of the reasons that it is easy to work with Sophia. 

Sophia is a team player and has helped ensure my projects reach completion both effectively and efficiently.

Kathy Conforti
Quince Cellar and Cornerstone Stores

We came to Sophia because we felt like we needed an expert to help us execute some critical jobs in our business systems and processes. Being time poor with a new business, we thought that outsourcing to a professional was the right thing to do. Sophia was the perfect choice for us because we felt she had the background and expertise we needed. 

Sophia kept us motivated and accountable throughout the entire process. She gave us ideas we had never thought of as well as insightful and professional advice. Her professional yet warm approach was exactly what I needed!

Renee Honey
Stable Coffee Kitchen
testimonial sophia martine

I chose to work with Sophia because we were snowed under with work and we needed help to get on top of our policies and procedures. The highlight of working with Sophia was how quickly she was able to get the job done and action things I would have never had time to do myself.

Bec Conforti
Founder, Prae Store

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